What Can You Do?

How WE will Follow up on Child Abuse Advocacy

First off we can’t very well ask you to make an effort to become involved in child abuse advocacy if we the creators are not keeping involved, so here is what we are hoping to do in the future to stay involved:
  1. Updating and adding information to the website 
  2. Looking towards taking classes from CAST on child advocacy abuse awareness in the future for our careers as counselors
As future counselors it is also our duty to look for signs of child abuse. Each of us may be working with children in some way or another. A very important way we can see ourselves staying involved is to constantly be aware of our jobs as mandated reporters and to educate those around us in our future work places to see the tell tale signs of child abuse.

Now how can you become involved?
Report any suspected child abuse to your local Department of Human Services or law enforcement. In order to put an end to child abuse, people must stand up and speak for those who are unable to advocate for themselves.
  • National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453).
  • Winona County Community Services (507) 457-6200
  • Wabasha County Social Services (651) 565-3351
  • Houston County Human Services (507) 725-5811
  • Fillmore County Community Services (507) 765-2175

Donate to your local child advocacy center. This could be a donation of toys and other supplies, or a monetary donation. With these economic times, many people are struggling. Donating your time at fundraisers that promote child abuse awareness is also a valuable donation and a way to support the cause.

Get educated. By understanding child abuse and knowing the signs of abuse, you can help put an end to at least one child's suffering and hopefully stop the cycle of abuse before the abuser and/or the child go on to abuse others. Visit the links under additional information.

Encourage friends to see the mock apartment and visit our website to make an easy first step in learning about child abuse!  The Mock House is located at Winona State University in Maxwell Building next to room 259.

Send and email to your local Senator or Congressman/Congresswomen, and let them know how you feel about child abuse.
   Senator Amy Klobuchar - Southern Region 
  Congressman Tim Walz - Southern Region
     Email - Congressman Tim Walz

Visit the fallowing site to learn more and for Volunteer opportunities:
Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota
 Or you can look at the additional information links provided for opportunities to get involved.