Autistic Boy Abused

In new jersey, an autistic boy was being verbally abused by a teacher and teacher aids. The father placed a recording device on the child, to find out what was happening during class. Read full story here

A website was started by what appears to be the father Stuart Chaifetz. On the website it contains clips from what the teachers and teacher aids where saying to the boy. You will also be able to sign a petition to help stop the teachers from further bullying their students. According to the father, the teacher was not fired but simply moved to a different school, which makes this a very notable case because in past cases the teacher was removed from teaching or required to take remedial training course.   Link to the website

This video is from the father describing the recording and I think is an especially power video of a father standing up for his child's rights.

The aggressive verbal attacks carried out by the individuals responsible for the safety and education of the children in the class room is simply not acceptable. Children should not have to subjugated to these types of attacks from anyone, but more importantly especially not from an adult with the capacity to know what they are doing is wrong. This incident is only one of many indiscretions where a child has been abused by an adult in which the adult is acting as a care giver and these abuses should not be allowed. As you will notice, no were did I mention that because the child has autism he should be specially protected because all children deserve an equal opportunity to grow and prosper. The behavior of the teacher and teachers aid is despicable because they were working with children and children with special needs. I hope you take the time and pass this information on because everyone should be aware of this horrific event.